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Photo by Dr. Brian Miller

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Rollins-Smith, LA, and Le Sage, EH. 2023. Heat stress and amphibian immunity in a time of climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 378(1882), p.20220132. (doi: 10.1098/rstb.2022.0132)

Becker, CG, Greenspan, SE, Martins, RA, Lyra, ML, Prist, P, Metzger, JP, São Pedro, V, Haddad, CFB, Le Sage, EH, Woodhams, DC, and Savage, AE. 2023. Habitat split as a driver of disease in amphibians. Biological Reviews. (doi: 10.1111/brv.12927)

Le Sage*, EH, Unkefer, M, Duncan, S, Cundiff, J, Rissler, L, and Crespi, EJ. 2022. Neuroendocrine correlates of juvenile amphibian behaviors across a latitudinal cline. Hormones and Behavior 146:105263 (doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2022.105263)

Le Sage*, EH, Diamond, M2, Crespi EJ. 2022. Ranavirus infection-induced avoidance behavior in wood frog juveniles: Do amphibians socially distance? Biology Letters. 18:20220359. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2022.0359)

Le Sage, EH, Ohmer, MEB, LaBumbard, B, Altman, K, Reinert, LK, Bednark, J, Bletz, M, Inman, B, Lindauer, A, McDonnell, N, Parker S, Skerlec, S, Wantman, T, Rollins-Smith, LA, Woodhams, DC, Voyles, J, and Richards-Zawacki, CL. Localized carry-over effects of pond drying on survival, growth, and pathogen defenses in amphibians. Ecosphere 13(9): e4224. (doi:10.1002/ecs2.4224) PDF

Wilber, M, Ohmer, M, Altman, K, Brannelly, L, Saenz, V, Le Sage, EH, LaBumbard, B, McDonnell, N, Muñiz Torres, A, Nordheim, C, Pfab, F, Richards-Zawacki, C, Rollins-Smith, L, Voyles, J, Wetzel, D, Woodhams, D, and Briggs, C. Once a reservoir, always a reservoir? Seasonality affects the pathogen maintenance potential of amphibian hosts. 2022. Ecology. e3759

Bletz, MC, LaBumbard, BC, Le Sage, EH, Woodhams, DC. 2021. Extraction-free detection of amphibian pathogens from water baths. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 146: 81-89 (doi:103354/dao03621)

Inouye BD, Brosi, BJ, Le Sage, EH, Lerdau, MT. 2021. Trade-offs among resilience, robustness, stability, and performance and how we might study them. Integrative and Comparative Biology; icab178, (doi:101093/icb/icab178). All authors contributed equally

Rollins-Smith, L A, & Le Sage, EH. 2021. Batrachochytrium fungi: stealth invaders in amphibian skin. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 61, 124-132 (doi: 101016/jmib202104002)

Le Sage, EH, Duncan, S, Seaborn, T, Cundiff, J, Rissler, L, and Crespi, EJ. 2021. Ecological adaptation drives wood frog population divergence in life history traits. Heredity, 126, 790–804 (doi:101038/s41437-021-00409-w) PDF

Le Sage, EH, LaBumbard, BC, Reinert, LK, Miller, BT, Richards-Zawacki, C, Woodhams, DC, Rollins-Smith, LA, 2021. Preparatory immunity: Seasonality of mucosal skin defenses and Batrachochytrium infections in southern leopard frogs. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90:542–554 (doi:10.1111/1365-2656.13386) PDF

Hall*, EM, Brunner, JL, Hutzenbiler, B, Crespi, EJ, 2020. Salinity stress increases the severity of ranavirus epidemics in amphibian populations. Proc. R. Soc. B 287:20200062.  doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.0062 *Previous name PDF

Rollins-Smith, LA, Ruzzini, AC, Umile, TP, Fites, JS, Reinert, LK, Ravikumar, VI, Joosse, BA, Huebner, MI, Aka, A, Hall1, EM, Clardy, J, and Minbiole, KPC, 2019. Metabolites involved in immune evasion by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis include the polyamine spermidine.  Infection and immunity: IAI-00035.

Hall, EM, Goldberg, CS, Brunner, JL, and Crespi, EJ 2018. Seasonal dynamics and potential drivers of ranavirus epidemics in wood frog populations. Oecologia. 188(4), 1253-1262. (doi: 10.1007/s00442-018-4274-4). PDF

Miller, BT, Hall, EM, and Rollins-Smith, LA 2018.  Geographic distribution: Nerodia erythrogaster (Plain-bellied Watersnake).  Herpetological Review 49:506. PDF

Hall, EM, Rollins-Smith, LA, Miller, BT, 2018. Axanthism in the southern Leopard Frog, Lithobates sphenocephalus (Cope, 1886), (Anura: Ranidae) from the state of Tennessee, USA. Herpetology Notes. 11, 601-602. PDF

Hall, EM, Brady, SP, Mattheus, NM, Earley, RL, Diamond, M, and Crespi, EJ, 2017. Physiological consequences of exposure to salinized roadside ponds on wood frog larvae and adults. Biological Conservation. 209, 98–106. (doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.02.013) PDF

Hall, EM, Crespi, EJ, Goldberg, CS, and Brunner, JL, 2016. Evaluating environmental DNA‐based quantification of ranavirus infection in wood frog populations. Molecular Ecology Resources, 16(2), 423-433. (doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12461) PDF

Crespi, EJ, Rissler, LJ, Mattheus, NM, Engbrecht, K, Duncan, SI, Seaborn, T, Hall, EM, Peterson, JD and Brunner, JL, 2015. Geophysiology of wood frogs: landscape patterns of prevalence of disease and circulating hormone concentrations across the eastern range. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 55(4), pp.602-617. (doi: 10.1093/icb/icv096)

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